How does AfterPay work?

2 min. readlast update: 10.31.2023

AfterPay is a "buy now, pay later" option that allows you to make repairs purchases up to $4000 and pay for it in installments over time. Here's how AfterPay typically works:

  1. Choose AfterPay as a Payment Method: When accepting an estimate from us, you'll have the option to choose AfterPay as your payment method during checkout.
  2. Create an Account: If you're a first-time user, you'll need to create an AfterPay account. This involves providing some personal and financial information for a quick credit check.
  3. Initial Payment: At the time of purchase, you'll make an initial payment, usually around 25% of the total cost. This payment is made with your chosen debit or credit card.
  4. Pay in Installments: AfterPay splits the remaining balance into equal, interest-free installments. These installments are typically scheduled every two weeks.
  5. Automatic Payments: AfterPay will automatically deduct the installment payments from the debit or credit card you initially used. It's essential to ensure that your account has sufficient funds to cover these payments on the scheduled dates.
  6. Enjoy Your Service: You can enjoy your repairs or scheduled maintenance immediately, even though you're paying for it in installments.
  7. Manage Your Account: You can log in to your AfterPay account to view your payment schedule, make early payments, or manage your payment method.

It's important to note that AfterPay may charge late fees if you miss a payment, so it's crucial to stay on top of your payment schedule. AfterPay is a convenient option for spreading out the cost of a purchase without incurring interest, but it's essential to use it responsibly to avoid any additional fees.

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